“Legally smart”
“Legally smart” … as I sit with my pink nails and type …
A play on words
with the movie “legally blonde”
My dad wanted all
three of his children to become doctors my brothers were obedient to the
“call” and became such me I was never obedient. So dad threw out the
possibility of going to “law school” I was not interested in that “call”
either. I was not even interested in the call to stay in college. I did
threaten my brothers though that I would one day go to law school so I could
sue them for mal practice for all the times they pissed me off growing up.
I was having too
much fun in field studies to stay in a classroom; I was learning lessons in
the streets in New York City Clubs on beaches, private yachts, modeling and
movie sets… My worldly resume is impressive given many awards from Tiffany’s,
private fur vaults, dinners at the Four Seasons, The windows on the world (World Trade Center), tea at the Plaza and the Russian Tea Room, Hanson cabs
rides in Central Park… Trips to the islands to name just a few
perks of “my world”…
My world started to
vanish when I “learned” things did not offer substance and I understood the
chase was greater then the capture. That “happy” was not at the end of the
rainbow but on the journey. Everything became “boring” to me… Since formal
education was not my thing, although I am not hostile to it just to the people
who hide behind it and believe themselves to be better because of it. Oh how I
hate framed minds small “educated” frame minds locked into their field of
study or their personal preference. So compartmentalized they are that they do
not see, the “elephant in the room”, they are content to just feel its ass… and
hence become one to me…..
Let me explain…
Such is true with
religion they are so compartmentalized with their concept their human concept
of God and they are just “seeing” their preference their human thoughts on
No one is clean, no
one is in totality of God if they were they would be perfected and we are not…
Yet we are not by our education, but by design…
I have danced with
many a scholar in regards to the church over my lifetime. My favorite partners
were the ones who thought and think, the game is over and all are saved. The
church really does not push this thought for if they did, they would place
themselves on the unemployment line no need for them, if we are all saved.
They have to keep the people “in need” of them in order to survive.
In the past I was
very resistant to a woman called Theresa of Avila now I see this woman really
kicked some church ass she ripped into devotionals and people being stuck in
lower castles of spirituality because of them. I do not think she went far
enough there is a Mansion higher than that which she spoke, it is called
“dad’s house” and we as his children, belong there… all, the “kids” do the
good, the bad and all those marginal ones… and there they all will be one day
without exception…
There is no hell in
the afterlife nor purgatory (we are living it now, man putting man through
hell, by judging them and showing them no mercy) … Jesus Christ is not impotent but wait the church does believe this, to them Jesus was physically impotent
never used his “Johnson” so why shouldn’t they take the leap that he is also
spiritually impotent…
That his workings of the Cross were not “total and
complete salvation for all”… Hence you have to pay with pain and suffering (they teach Jesus did not do enough of that on the Cross so you must also)
The church believes, they need to be
Jesus Christ’s little “blue pill” that will afford him the capacity to get it
on with his people and reach climax with them…
To reach “ecstasy” … now I need
to play on words a bit… “Ecstasy”… in the church for the most part this is a
term reserved for the clergy and religious as in being saints or saintly who
have the capacity to be in “ecstasy” with the risen Lord.
I think Jesus Christ, is getting “it on” with
sinners to I think they really turn him on he is into “bad”, that he actually
thirsts for them cannot get enough of them… I actually think Jesus Christ goes
clubbing hangs out at bars, frequents whore houses, picks up prostitutes and
brings them home with him.
But the ugly play on
the word “ecstasy” is the date rape drug used by some loser who cannot get
someone on their own so they drug them into submission… I see this in allegory
with some points of religions; they use a “date rape” drug on the masses to
force them into submission and to get them to make love with them.
Instead of just introducing them to the lover himself, Jesus Christ then they would gladly make love to him, if they knew who he really was the “inventor” of love. The church is horning in on Jesus Christ’s love/lover and trying to make it their own…
Instead of just introducing them to the lover himself, Jesus Christ then they would gladly make love to him, if they knew who he really was the “inventor” of love. The church is horning in on Jesus Christ’s love/lover and trying to make it their own…
Here is what I
think… one day… the big guy himself… is going to come back and see what has
happened to his love… that she has been given a “date rape” drug by the church… and abused …
he is going to take the “culprit” of this dirty deed into the alley and defend
his love himself and kick some “cosmic ass”…
It is not like this will be an unprecedented event for him; he did this
with the Pharaoh and the Egyptian first born, the guys in the desert for 40
years especially the ones who made that golden calf(he really hates those
idols things, Theresa of Avila said the same thing in her writings with calling
such a “lower form, an address a soul should not want to be living in”) …
hey who can forget the table turning in the Temple greed pisses the big guy
off as well… money changing in his father’s house, a big time flash point for
him… Every time I see a collect basket at Mass I think of this especially when
it is passed around for the third collection... Topped only by those who stand
at the pulpit and attempt to fleece the laity for more money... Even my little
Chapel in the woods has posters now hanging in it to give more money… It is
called an annual “appeal”… the have many such annual appeals, hell they have
daily ones as well...
But the ultimate,
Jesus Christ can kick ass moment was the Cross… he kicked ass big time there to claim his love… And now she is being play with and drugged… Dam!!!! I do not
want to be anywhere near that alley when he takes on the offender… Dang… at
that moment time will change forever; the freak’n earth will turn on its axis’
…. There will be freak’n signs and wonders surrounding it...