
Showing posts from November, 2019

Black Friday versus Good Friday

Hire my kid if you want a favor

Thank you God for all things

How did it make you feel? How does it make you feel American taxpayer?

Bravo NY Times

The Victoria Secrets Corporation is no angel

Christ the King

Prince Charles is creepier than his brother Andrew so why isn't anyone ratting him out?

November 22, 1963

Hunter, maybe he should have been named “Predator”


No sweat

Tragic oxymoron, Pope condemns greed

The Sin of detraction... or do not tell on a priest

Congressmen Adam Shitshow (oh pardon my misspell, Adam Schiff)

All politics are local

Better to watch paint dry than reality TV shows

“Son- ny Days”… chase the clouds away…

Thank you for your service

Joan of Arc a gender bender and nudest, uptight Christians in Belgian seem to think so

Pet peeve ... And people who identify with their pets way too much!

Ronald Reagan and the stars