Joan of Arc a gender bender and nudest, uptight Christians in Belgian seem to think so
Read and know history and historical accounts first and then
choose your battles, like Joan of Arc did with the help of God … The article below regards Joan of arc is historically correct,
in how she dressed and in how she died … Joan did wear “men’s clothing into
battle” of course she did … cut me a break … she is supposed to go into battle
in a silk dress wearing velvet gloves, hey I wear old sweats and ripped clothing
to do gardening, does that make me a hobo? (well maybe I do like Hobo art and trains!) … Seriously …there are weirdos on both side of
the argument of “gender assignments” … those who choose genders on a daily
bases and those who are uptight about everything gender related, such as those
in the article below …
As to being naked … I posted my opinion on this subject in
prior posts… get over it … Jesus Christ was crucified naked, you will stand before
God one day naked… your temporal and earthly things do not go with you after death…
God sent into the world naked and he will call to you to himself naked … if you
are have a problem with being “naked” you have a problem with lust, thinking
about sexuality and the human body in a negative way, and the natural order of
things as in that is how you were created (naked) … which sadly probably stems
from your religious upbringing or society / or someone warping your sexuality
in your childhood.
Of course these "uptight people in Belgian" fail to mention that Joan of Arc was raped as child... no they are just worried that she is being portrayed in "men's clothing", as she fights for her country and goes off to battle and is burned at the sake naked ... wow what a twisted sense of morality they have ...
Of course these "uptight people in Belgian" fail to mention that Joan of Arc was raped as child... no they are just worried that she is being portrayed in "men's clothing", as she fights for her country and goes off to battle and is burned at the sake naked ... wow what a twisted sense of morality they have ...
Again Adam and Eve walked naked with God, only felt “naked”
after they sinned and fell from grace … so those in the above article who are
uptight about Joan of Arc being naked on stage must be in the state of sin, for
their thinking is calling nakedness and the true historical account as to what happened
to Joan of Arc to be offensive … instead of looking at this woman as a chosen
one of God …