Hire my kid if you want a favor
It is not what you know, but who you know … in all areas of
society even modeling. We learn this lesson again and again in the political arena
most recently with Hunter Biden, and although Hunter is sleazy and under any
other circumstances he would be unemployable, he is not the only “child” or relative
of a political figure who has gotten a “sweet” job, because of who he is related
to … and this is in both political parties and hence they really do not want to
go after anyone who does this for they all do!
The above is true with getting into front tier universities and
or sweet positions in the military, for me the classic example of this is George
W. Bush, he was given a sweet job (a no show one in the military) and graduated
from a top tier university although he struggled with being a “C” student! But at least you can find his records, with Obama
you can never find his academic records or other info …
But in this post I will address modeling and what makes a “super
model” … in regards to the two women below it was “daddy’s money” … big money,
in the billions … I have watched their careers for I have seen much more “deserving”
and stunning girls or woman lose jobs to these two … this is also true of a few “really popular
singers” … they come from money or influence not a place of talent … sad… we
are sold a “persona” not a truth in all things …
But what is most annoying, with the father of the two in the
article below, he who “purchased the successful careers of his daughters” … he
is now claiming bankruptcy … Hey maybe there is karma