Turning the other Cheek not what you think

There is blanket thinking in regards to “turning the other cheek” and this was done by the Church teaching to the laity, about this saying of Christ … all you hear is turn the other cheek… turn the other cheek … that was not what Jesus Christ was trying to say …

as in all things with Jesus you need to know the culture to which he was born and living in (not the culture of a hierarchy at any given time) “slap”on the cheek as in Jesus speak 2,000 plus years ago,  “a snap in the face was a metaphor” for an unexpected insult or offense … did someone insult “let him” do not be shocked or offended “let him do so” as in let him insult you … as a matter of fact Jesus’ statement implies let him slap you on the other cheek as well (meaning let him insult again) No big deal,  on a profound and simple level in the time of Jesus,  to Jesus “words did not matter”, let them trash talk you as matter of fact expect it  

 And do not return insult for insult (it is a fool’s game, just look at our politicians now a days and you can readily understand that statement)

…Turning the other cheek does not imply pacifism … it implies (it is not worth it… walk away from those who insult you). In the time of Jesus a man was “compelled” to protect / defend their “honor”… as it still is with some Middle Eastern cultures (as in honor killings) … you protected your “honor” if someone insulted you or besmirched your character (such as slapping you on the cheek does) ..

By the “honor code” of the Middle East during the time of Jesus and now the offended party, in defense of his honor would now have to duel / take on the offender and in most cases this resulted in bloodshed …

Ah… here is Mary Jo “speak” pick your battles walk away from petty words insults … not worth it … that includes “twitter wars, Facebook wars and Instagram wars”  

Invasion of Character not worth going to war or fighting about … invasions of home and someone threatening to kill you or anyone else, or abuse you or a child ... Worth going to battle about

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