Of God spare us all from fundamentalists in whatever form they take.

You might be able to tell if you follow my blogs that I have issues with the hierarchy in the Catholic Church….. Yet they are not the only ones, I take issue with… all fundamentalists’ are dangerous, they are unyielding and rigid to the point of violence many times if you do not agree, with them. 

And these fundamentalists use the poor, women and children as human shields many times and at times, they even use God, and declare God is on their side. My thinking,  God does not have any skin in the game when it comes to hate and abuse, that is all about humanity’s cruelty to each other and power on earth.

I choose to be point specific in my writings … I target in on the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist….. As a solution to personal inner strife and global strife … Many in the generations behind me think … government is the answer to the ills of the world … so redemption for them is outside of self…..  Not in knowing one’s self and their motivations for their actions in the world …. Is it motivated by greed, power, to be noticed or to force others to think like you do … Such motivations are based in pride and your thinking you are God and have all the answers.

And as 1960’s hippie this may sound … there is a lack of love in the world… love of self (not vain love of self) … but love as in an attribute, which knows you have worth and value no matter the circumstance.

As for me I do not know the answers, yet through inner peace,  I know global peace can be reached… it will flow organically into the world …           

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