God Bless Whistleblowers

There is a lot of talk on the news lately,  about whistle-blowers in regards to Joe Biden and his son Hunter ...

Here is one of my favorite whistle blower articles 

 and below a few photos of my favorite whistle- blowers

The Rev. James Connell, in Sheboygan, Wis., is a member of Catholic Whistleblowers

Thomas Patrick Doyle is a native of Wisconsin, born in Sheboygan in 1944 and a graduate of the University of Wisconsin (Madison, Political Science, M.A., 1971). He was ordained a priest in the Dominican Order in 1970. He served in a variety of Church administrative positions including the tribunal of the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Vatican Embassy (nunciature) in Washington D.C. He also served as a chaplain and officer in the U.S. Air Force from 1986 to 2005. He has master's degrees in philosophy, theology, administration, Canon Law and political science and a doctorate in Canon Law. He is also a licensed addictions therapist. He studied addictions and counseling at the University of Oklahoma and graduated from the Naval School of health Sciences in 1999.

Tom has been actively involved in the issue of clergy sexual abuse since 1984. He has provided support and spiritual counseling for victims throughout the U.S., in Canada, the U.K., Ireland and Belgium. He has also served as a canonical counsel and support person for priests and religious accused of sexual abuse. He has served as a consultant and expert witness in civil and criminal trials in the U.S., Canada, Ireland and Australia. He has also been a consultant and expert witness for several U.S Grand Juries, for the four investigative commissions in Ireland, for the Cornwall Inquiry in Canada and in 2010 he addressed the Belgian Parliament at their request.

Robert M. Hoatson, Ph.D. (West Orange NJ)

Bob Hoatson’s whistleblowing began in 1976 when, as an Irish Christian Brother, he was teaching at Blessed Sacrament High School in New Rochelle, NY. He noticed that the Principal, Br. Robert Post, was too friendly with some of the boys and felt that those boys were at risk for sexual abuse. He fought for three years to have Br. Post removed from the school and it happened, but Bob Hoatson was transferred as well for blowing the whistle. In 2012, three of Bob Hoatson’s students reported that they had been sexually abused by Br. Robert Post during the years 1976-1979. In 2012, Hoatson was instrumental in having Fr. Robert Post (Post became a priest in Bridgeport after he was removed from Blessed Sacrament High School) removed from his parish in Darien, CT.

Father Ken Lasch, JCD, retired priest of the Diocese of Paterson, served for several years as Vice Chancellor, Executive Secretary for Parish Ministry and other diocesan positions before being assigned as a full-time pastor of a parish in north Jersey that became an epicenter for the revelation of a serial predator, the former pastor of the same parish. After the disclosure of the first victim, Father Lasch made a preferential option for victims of sexual abuse by clergy and has been a victims’ advocate for thirty years. He has advocated for victims both local and national, some of whom were widely publicized, most of whom were known only to family and friends. Fr. Lasch continues to advocate for victims. 

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