Our Lady of Carmel in Garabandal Spain
I have written in the past on another Blog that many years ago, I would
visit and pray with the main visionary of Garabandal and Conchita would tell me
stories of some of the things the Virgin Mary would say to her …
Many people would give Conchita religious articles to be “blessed”
by the Virgin Mary when she appeared… one woman once gave Conchita a bottle of
perfume to offer the Mary … Conchita dutifully did what she was asked to do …
when the Virgin Mary was given the bottle of perfume she “declined it”… saying this
to Conchita “there is no need for such things in heaven”…
So why this story on this post … for I address it to all the
priests, who I have noticed recently go “heavy” on the cologne they are wearing…
yes as I walk by the priest or worse
when I am in the Communion line, I can smell the priest's cologne yards away! With one priest,
I actually tasted his cologne on the Host, for he must be using the same hand and
fingers to give me the Host that apparently he uses to splash his cologne on
Hey dudes … you are priests, saying Mass… not dudes going to
a club wanting to attract others by your cologne … and as the Virgin Mary said
at Garabandal … “no need for such in heaven”… and the laity is going to
Communion to get a taste of heaven via the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the
Eucharist … not for a taste of your cologne on the Host …