Privileged lives

To be honest I hate the term "white privilege”, I think of it more as being “money privileged” …

 Yet in truth it is / was mostly white people who had/have the money. Although the tide has changed to some degree… the argument of white privilege is a fair augment, but again I do not think it is a matter of skin color but the size of your wallet and bank account … Money always talks…. and thanks to the Supreme Court ruling of years ago … “money has voice” ….  The misguided theories behind the Supreme Court’s ruling on campaign finance reform per The Citizens United decision …

Due to the above decision money “legally can talk” in the USA… how profoundly disturbing that notion is on a moral and philosophical level …

Again to be honest I did my fair of whining in life … I was never satisfied with what I had… always wanted more, thought I deserved more … This was a family theme growing up … make all you can in life … things of the world made you happy … materialism and “stuff” the measure of your worth and standing in society …   

All of blogs have their root in my own spirituality and I have to say … this “root” is starting to make me think… maybe I should have raised my daughters, with a lot less stuff … maybe I over compensated, via my guilt of having divorced their father … Back then not a common state of life for a child … so they were given lots of stuff…    Yes there were hard times and money was tight many times …
But now being in an atmosphere of young people who are truly poor and disadvantaged, I have to say my daughters were never such … They may think they were “different” growing up and they were,  they were given a lot more than their peers, travel, fancy clothing as small children, ponies, animals, themed birthday parties before it was trendy to do so, music and dance lessons, the latest of toys and gadgets (they even had the first apple computer and other tech toys) … plays in NYC and local … museums … the best of education,  the list goes on and on … their childhood screams “privileged” as does my childhood …

Now I listen to young people from the inner City who cannot even afford the gas and the quarters it takes to drive down the shore for a day, while I have memories of my daughters on the beaches of Florida, Jamaica and countless trips to Seaside, Wildwood, Cape May, Asbury Park, Spring Lake … plus we had an in ground pool in our backyard …

If there is one thing I could do with the remainder of my life on this planet…..  It would be to somehow and in some way help the poor, especially the youth … to let them know … “I have been red pilled” I get it … those with money have overlooked you forever …..  

They use the poor in their political campaigns and religious ads … to appear higher in thought ... yet they abandon you in truth … how ashamed we all should be for doing this to our fellow human beings … 

And how sinful is this for any Church to come in the name of God, while they supposedly collect money for the poor and then keep it for themselves ...  ripping off the poor to build their own power and glory on earth ... no greater example than the "Vatican"  ... 


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