The Playboy Club versus the Vatican

From playboy to priest to pervert … there was a popular priest many years ago whose claim to fame was he went from playboy to priest, he was even featured  on the Mother Angelica show, until it was uncovered that the playboy priest was really a pervert priest, when several boys stepped forward with their not so godly encounters with this priest. 

Eventually this priest was asked to stop his public ministry, but of course he was never punished for his deeds … I will be frank here … in light of this priest’s sexual behavior I do not believe he was ever a “playboy” as we commonly know the term to be (dates many women) … no this priest was a man who only wanted to “play with boys”… 

So I will tell my story, one I do not normally share. Over the years I have seen  and experienced much and have gained wisdom, from these personal journeys. I like most people at one time thought the Catholic Church (as in the clergy and hierarchy) was filled with angels and saints, filled with men of superior morals and standing. 

Due to my unique experiences in the church and within my own spirituality, I thought my past was “evil” and being within the church saintly… nothing could be further from the truth, maybe even the opposite is true in this day and age. And I clearly see and understand the words Jesus spoke “the sinners and prostitutes are getting into heaven before you Scribes and Pharisees”… true then and true now … nothing is new under the sun! 

Being under the guidance of the church for many years in the past (as in spiritual directors and such) I can honestly say, I have met only a handful of   classy and emotionally balanced man, who were/ are priests, when it comes to sexuality and their ability to relate to a woman.   As in a male who thought and acted with respect for women or even could relate to a woman as being an equal or even a thinking creature. 

I believe if the hierarchy of the church could get away with it they would hang a sign over every church entrance, which reads “for men only”… women just wait in the basement until the “men folk” are done. Actually there are other religions that do this … the Catholic Church frowns on this publicly,  yet they practice such behind the scenes … they called it back to tradition … Yet was this the tradition of Jesus Christ to be such? I think not … women had equal footing with Jesus Christ … 

The hierarchy states they seek to educate the laity to achieve a well formulated awareness of God in a Godless society … yet they themselves do not know the term “society” includes women, and these men have no awareness of sexuality other than male … they are literally stunted in growth in this area of human and emotional awareness, and it is frightening to say, the least. For these priests are handing out marital advice and advice to young children as to what it means to be human and of God … when they are clueless of this themselves … 

The thing the hierarchy of the church and most priests are perfect in is “body shamming” and placing guilt upon the laity, if they dare to be ok with their bodies and take claim of their own bodies. The hierarchy for centuries has passed this aversion of the human body down to the laity …

 Popes covering up paintings and works of art in the Vatican that dared to show genitals … The crucifixion always showing Jesus Christ with a loin cloth on when in truth he was crucified naked …  And the image that when you stand before God when you die, you are wearing a robe  … not so much … you stand before God naked ( you are either clothed with sin and if you are “sinless” you are naked and have the justification of Jesus Christ upon you nothing else)… white robes do not make you holy .. the blood of Christ does … wearing scapulars and medals from “alleged apparitions sites” or contributing money to any given church,  does not get you into heaven … the God/ man who hung on the Cross does … 

So in this posting I am here to speak of Hugh Hefner's playboy clubs of the past … now I am sure many are thinking wow this woman is a demon … and in the lexicon of the hierarchy I am sure they would say this as well … I speak from first hand experience in the Playboy club and in the Church ... 

As one who was familiar with bunny ears and a cotton tail a playboy bunny wore in the Great Gorge, NJ playboy club … 

You may be thinking Hugh Hefner was a pervert … but was he? He appreciated human sexuality and women, he did not use them or abuse them. If women posed naked they chose to do so, they were not forced to do so … I cannot say the same thing of the hierarchy of the church. Not one playboy bunny was forced into perverted acts or abused by anyone at the club nor were children, (who were not allowed in there) … I cannot say the same thing of the hierarchy of the Church with women and children being safe inside a church. 

You may say … Hugh Hefner walked around in his PJ’s all day … the hierarchy walks around in their expensive vestments everyday (when Jesus Christ did no such thing)… 

you may say… Hugh Hefner lived in the Playboy mansion … with this I say … look at the Vatican much more flamboyant then the playboy mansion ever was… and hey the Vatican even has its own banking system and country … 

you may say … Hugh Hefner had “sex parties at his mansion”, I say no woman/ playboy bunny was forced to attend anything or go to any party. (and those parties were in CA) Playboy clubs were in other locations as well and in those locations it was just a job, that tipped very well, much like Hooters or the Tiled Kilt restaurants are now      … and I say ... Have you read the accounts of what type of parties go on at the Vatican, in some rectories and some beach houses owned by priests or Bishops?  

You may say… Hugh Hefner put naked women into his magazine … I say so did the greatest artists  in human history paint,  “naked women and men”… And God the Father placed his only begotten son into human history naked at birth and naked on the Cross … 

When you worked at a playboy club … the security and respect each bunny received at the hands of the playboy corporation was extraordinary, any man tried to touch a bunny they were immediately thrown out and their membership revoked on the spot for life … a woman or child touched or abused in the church by a priest, that priest’s abuse is covered-up and he is often elevated and maybe even made a Bishop or a Cardinal down the road …  

As a playboy bunny … if a member got verbally abusive or overly suggestive with a bunny at the club … again that person was immediately thrown out of the club and barred for life … there was no “me too moments as a Bunny”… the policy was .. Abuse a playboy bunny you’re out on the spot and there was a big bouncer on site to telegraph that to the abuser up front and personal … perverts not allowed and stopped on the spot! The public persona of the playboy club was that it was belittling to women, it was the opposite in truth. 

Irony … the man who was a member of the playboy club had a “key” and the men of the hierarchy say they have a “key” as well …  After knowing the corporation of the playboy club and the corporation of the hierarchy with the Church ..  With all honesty, I can say the key the playboy club gave out was one of respect and genuine caring for women … the one the hierarchy holds does not …  And I can see Jesus would have been more comfortable hanging out with the deceased Hugh Hefner than hanging out with the hierarchy of the church … 

And I think some priests agree… I know this for a housekeeper in a local rectory, I knew from the past, told me when she cleaned the bedroom of one of the priests in the rectory,   she would often find a playboy magazines in the priest’s bedroom …  (I am sure he was just reading it for the articles) ... 

And I quote God the Father to Adam and Eve ... when they were hiding behind a bush ... "who told you were naked"... since they had always walked with God "naked" no clothing at all ... Adam and Eve replied to the Father ... "the serpent told us we were naked" ... it was the serpent that turned nakedness into sin ... so be prepared to stand before God one day "naked" ... either clothed in your sin or clothed in the justification of Jesus Christ ... 

Sins of the flesh are not located between your legs but in your heart and mind ... hearts of greed, power, self righteousness, corruption, pride and judgement...and a mind that considers sexuality to be dirty or a power play.  

So I would be very comfortable being called a mystic with bunny ears and a cotton tail in her past ... much better than a fully vested priest who calls himself holy and rapes seminarians or children, or cover-ups for those who did.    
Mary Jo circa 1970's


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