Has my Bishop been fingerprinted?

   For much of my life I have worked with children … when my own children were small, I volunteered at their preschools, in their grammar school, (Our Lady of the Valley School)  I was the Class mother every year to one of my children, I assisted in several classrooms, I ran library programs at their school and I booked guest speakers for the children, I was the publicity agent for the school, and managed the school news paper, I was a Brownie leader, girl scout leader, I sat on the home school board and dealt with all the children at the school, on some level. In addition I took these children on field trips, planned after school programs … and I even taught art classes at their school and volunteered as a CCD teacher … In later years I volunteered to teach English, to non-English speaking children, visited sick kids in hospitals  … as a grandparent I volunteered to read to young children who did not have grandparents…  and may I add I did all of the above for free!!!  Knowing now what I know about the financial corruption in the Church, what a sap I was in doing all of those things for free.... 

 Last week I decided I would like to work with young children once again … I filled out an application to do so, now I knew they would do a background check (every place does and should do) … I have no problem with that and I also knew,  since there are so many creepy /sicko people in the world who have harmed children, I would be required to be fingerprinted … what I did not know was the cost of this … $100, plus the cost of administration fees !!!???  … Sweet mother of pearl!!! That is a lot of money …

 So I decided to go to a local church and ask “if I volunteered here” as a CCD teacher … would I have to be fingerprinted … they said yes … next question, do I have to pay for it or would the church pay for it … they said “I have to pay for it”… hmmm … so if I volunteer my time and talent to the church, taking away time from my own family and private life, I also have cough up the money to be fingerprinted…wow!

My next thought,  has my Bishop been fingerprinted and if so who paid for it … and has every priest in the diocese been fingerprinted and who paid for it. ??? Has every seminarian been fingerprinted and who paid for it …???   … What about the deacons and who paid for them … I would like to see the paperwork on who has been fingerprinted and who paid for these things within the clergy and hierarchy of the Church, and especially those seminarians who are coming to this diocese via "student visa", from other Countries and can they really trace backgrounds on some of these seminarians coming here, from foreign countries ... are the data bases in those foreign countries the same as here in the USA, do they have the same laws protecting children as we do... maybe molesting a child in their country would not constitute a crime as it does here   …

 They want to see the paperwork on me (meaning the Church, which is fair) I want to see the paperwork on them as well … but wait they remain silent on this issue … and every other issue…  

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