Is she a witch or just a bitch (because she is a woman?)

Rodney Dangerfield would always say, “I get no respect”.  Many women can say the same thing in the work force and most especially in the religious world, born without a penis  and you are considered “second class”… why the strict Jews even pray this way “thank you, God for making me a man”… so they believe even God considers women to be second class… Ah ... I think not and Jesus was a “ladies man”…

Most priests think Jesus was all about hanging out with the “guys” … but hey Jesus sent the apostles out to spread the good news, while Jesus stayed at “home” … so who was he staying home with at the time?  Many ancient books suggest that might have been Mary Magdalene… be that as it may …

I am here to write about being a “witch”… A few weeks ago the daily Gospel reading was about the locals accusing Jesus of healing, by the devil … thus the saying, “a house divided unto itself will not stand”  … 

In 1992 when miracles seemed to be happening around me, I was accused by some (interesting mostly other women, well actually one) that any miracle that may have occurred around me was due to the fact I was a “witch”… yes indeed! That was her story and she was sticking to it… even though this “witch” (that be me) was telling people to pray and go to Jesus in the Tabernacle and he will help them … hmmm sounds like witchcraft to me!   

So since Halloween is approaching I thought, I would share my witch story with you and tell you do not hang out with demons on Halloween or any other day … and please go to the Tabernacle (Jesus truly presence there 24/7 /365) … tell Him “the witch sent you” … he will understand!  

This is a photo of me at home brewing up a few potions ... how cool would that be if I could brew up love potions (I mean real love, not lust) so humanity will stop hating and fighting each other.

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