Pay up Bishop you owe them back salary

Been thinking every year,  every parish calls on the goodness and kindness of the laity to teach the children in the parish, about God via their CCD programs and to prepared these children for their sacraments, within the church … Of course these lay teachers are doing this without pay, being told it is their duty to pass on their faith to the youth (true and it is heartwarming to do so)  … so week and after week these “good Catholics” take time out of their weekly jobs and daily duties to “donate time to the church” and teach the young about God (for free!)

Yet my Bishop ( Serratelli ) who is the head Shepard of my diocese charges his flock, $50 to hear him teach the Bible for one hour (maybe a bit more) … wow one lesson at $50 … so in my estimation the Bishop now owes ever lay person who has taught CCD for a full year, over his tenor as Bishop that is … the cost Bishop is about $1,400 per lay teacher (you owe them this money Bishop, you set the standard as Bishop to be paid when teaching about God, and now you owe them) after all Bishop the worker is worth his “wages”, hey that is in the Bible,  Bishop Serratelli … you are ripping them off twice, first by charging them for “your services as a servant of God and then by your not paying them,  for teaching your flock in CCD” … aren’t we supposed to follow you Bishop in all things … how about being paid then for our services, like you pay yourself “extra” in addition to your salary as Bishop … and wow are you smarter about the Bible than Jesus Christ was??? 

I do not recall ever reading Jesus charged money for his preaching … funny thing isn’t it? Why Jesus did the opposite of you Bishop, Jesus gave to the poor, told those who followed him to sell everything, why you buy things and sell things … even the “word of God is for sale with you”    
That flies in the face of fair and equal justice under the law both civil and divine law  … pay up Bishop, pay those CCD lay teachers who taught the children about God in your diocese and I also think you should be paying interest for those whose wages you withheld, for years and years, when they taught for free in your diocese, while you charged people for the same services …     

$50 per class, times 4 classes per month, times 7 months equals $1.400 owed each CCD teacher, pay up Bishop ...justice awaits you

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