Show me your papers!!!!

I wanted to clear something up for those in my diocese … if you have these two documents “Baptism certificate and Confirmation certificate”, which by their nature and Cannon Law calls you to evangelize, as a full member for the Catholic Church. 

Well my Bishop says … “NO” to these certificates of Catholic tradition and Cannon law … no you cannot “evangelize” your faith in the Church here in Paterson, unless you are given a “certificate” from the place pictured below to do so … “Paul in the Walls” (which is really money in the pocket for the Bishop, my diocese  and their personal agendas)  … Paul in the Walls has to issue a “certificate of evangelization” at a cost of several thousands of dollars to do so… then you can “speak about God” in the local churches of Paterson. (So you can just burn those other certificates you have from the church they are null and void here in Paterson)…

Amazing fact as well, my Bishop found the money to buy the land and building, (he stated the money was donated to purchase the property and set up the center and the donor wants to remain anonymous)... hmmm
   but who paid  to renovate it, fully staff it … all while the Bishop had to close the down local parish schools for the diocese could not afford to help them financially … so screw those kids out of a Catholic school education, blame the local parish priest in favor of building a shrine of sorts to himself in Madison, NJ … a place for the wealthy to gather and talk about how “holy” they are … let them eat cake, I say … no wait Marie Antoinette said that … another tone deaf human being in life … 

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