
Mercury is a major god in Roman religion and mythology, he is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination ), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld.

 You do not want to be worshiping or befriending the god “Mercury”, he is a bad dude (a demon) and on earth “mercury” is deadly to living organisms … as in my last post, I mentioned mercury in tuna can kill you or give you neurological issues … and mercury is in our food chain and in our vaccinations, read the labels … yet for the most part people joyfully eat tuna and take whatever vaccinations are recommended by the FDA … (because they would never harm us right?) …

"Roman gods" ... reminds me a bit of the hierarchy in the Church, they think they are "roman gods" as well and even take young boys to bed with them as the roman gods did!  

Well it seems there is now a “mercury fog” that is affecting wildlife … of course you will not hear about this on your local news network … they are too busy calling for a carbon tax (which is useless) or having 24/7  impeachment hearings ….

Nor will you hear about how China and India are the biggest polluters on the planet … no neither the Dems or the Republicans will tell this story for they are all “in bed” with those countries financially …   

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