"professor" Pamela Karlan

Women are the worse at attacking other women, it is just fact … creepy men will “attack women sexual and suggestively” but women are the worse at going after each other … especially when they “deserve it” (a political incorrect thing to say … but who gives a shit about that in today's society) … you are only political “incorrect”, when you do not agree with the left wing progressives in this country (or the world) …

So I am going to be really political incorrect and rip into Pamela Karlan, the women who supposedly gave “expert testimony on the constitution and impeachment”… 

the woman who is so laced with hate for Donald Trump,  she cannot be the voice of “blind justice” in any given arena in regards to the President  …

 I know her type well,  came across many in my life, the less than “plain Jane” woman who have a low or non-existent emotional IQ … yet have a degree (most due to their political liberal professors and schools they went to) They who believe they have superior thinking, for in the “real world” they do not fit in … they are jealous of everyone and anyone who is “emotional stable” and has a well-rounded life and those who actually listen and compromise in life … or god forbid are attractive and take care of themselves...

Pamela Karlan is hard to look at and even harder to listen to … she has no inner light, just a strong hatred of those who are not like her, it is evident for all to see, sad really for her … and the only reason I say this is because Ms. Karlan had the nerve, no…. was class-less enough to mention a child (Barron Trump) in her “verbal masturbation” of what impeachment means, for all to see on national TV …

 Really “professor” in lower case letters, your argument is so weak and filled with hate you have to bring a child into your “hate speech” of the Trump family …

Jealousy does not look good on you professor, it only magnifies your own short comings  … Mrs. Trump and her child are in a class you will never be in … so get over it and move on… if you cannot get a grip on your hatred of President Trump and his family,  see a therapist … many are progressive like you and you can ululate together.    

And this is coming from a "liberal woman"     

The pearls do not make you “classy” or superior, professor  … pearls for many are a “sign” of the elite… this could be why I dislike pearls so much …    

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