Chinese New Year, the year of the rat …
On some level I feel bad for the rats they get a bad “rap” …
yes they are rodents, but even they serve a purpose in the food chain and in
the Eco system … Even the word “rat” promotes negative thoughts in the human
psyche … But today starts the year of the rat in the Chinese calendar…
Two enterprising authors wrote a book during the Clinton presidency … 1996—the
year of Bill Clinton's reelection and the Chinese Year of the Rat. In this
explosive book, Timperlake and Triplett deliver the detailed evidence that
could've brought down the Clinton presidency. Year of the Rat: How Bill
Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash …
We heard how Clinton was “impeached”
due to his sexual encounters, with Monica, but there has never been an
investigation as to how “dirty” Clinton was in office politically and how he
sold the US to foreign interests or his own interests … just as the Bush family
did and Obama… this is the real threat Trump poses to the mighty powers of the
deep state…
Trump is not playing ball as
past presidents did … love him or hate him Trump uniquely places America first and its citizens … if the
corrupt government within our government allows Trump to stay, he sets a
dangerous prescient, by actually placing the country first. And American citizens are finally seeing the contrast
of what past presidents did to them and our country and they want to reclaim
their country … which the deep state wants to maintain control of …so Trump has
to go and they will try any means necessary to do so …
Irony we are now in the
year of the rat once again … and we are seeing just how bad the infestations of
rats are in Washington, DC… the Congress is like a run-down tenement with
glaring cracks in the walls infested with rats … disease infested rats … the
diseases are greed, fraud, corruption, deceit, vanity, slander and scandal …
and these rats are power hungry and will eat through anything and anyone to get
what they want …
So I say ... with the meme I created below ... Happy Lunatic Year, ya all ... a year of corruption and ill-will coming to us all, via the Democrats ...
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