The Seven Seals and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

In the early 1990’s I was ridiculed when I spoke of things like “Plum Island” and level 4 containment labs that stored biological weapons and how dangerous they were …  and that such devastating diseases / viruses can never really be safe in such facilities, they are not foolproof for man is not foolproof … There have been rumors over the decades that Plum island is the reason we have Lyme disease and the West Nile virus that animals and or birds escaped the facility who were infected with them. I tend to believe such and of course the government and private corporations will deny it … just like they denied smoking was harmful or Roundup pesticides are not cancer causing agents …. And the list of lies goes on and on… And hey I was also ridiculed back then when I spoke of the Church being run by gays and perverts, and corrupt bishops and priests ...  

Now I start to wonder what is really happening in China with the coronavirus

And how did it start? The Chinese have a horrible record of abusing animals and then eating them. They will eat almost anything from snakes to Koalas, all types of birds, dogs and even camels! The treatment and caging of these animals prior to the Chinese eating them is cruel and totally horrific … 

I think the coronavirus has been an issue for some time in China and we are only learning about it because the Chinese government lost control of the epidemic (and it is such,  if you are quarantining   whole towns, with the military as the Chinese government is) … so now I wonder does China have a level 4 biological lab in the area where coronavirus started and did the coronavirus get loose somehow or was it deliberately let loose)… or is it just a matter of the evil practices and many times unsanitary practices the Chinese have in their eating of domestic and wild animals ….

I also wonder why China is building (rapidly within days) hospitals to take care of those with coronavirus …

This virus is unique in many ways, for it is from person to person, said to have started in infected “snakes” that were eaten,  yes the Chinese like to eat snakes …

They are advising everyone wear a face masks, but it is known that this virus can also be spread through the eyes … so eye protection should be worn as well and it is not among the people  … and also forehead scanning at airports is said to be of no use, just a visual to try and calm people down … yet there are some conspiracy folks who say this is to cause panic and to promote a new vaccine that will come out to prevent coronavirus … and the vaccine will have agents within it that will do us harm …  It is said that the USA has been working on a vaccine for this virus for the last 3 plus months (how can that be if it was only recently discovered in China) … or they knew this virus already existed and it was released into the population …  

Or could it be we are in “end times” and the four horseman ride and the coronavirus is just one of many diseases that will released on mankind via the 1st rider … The first Horseman is associated with infectious diseases and plague

Hey Amazon wants to imbed a credit card into the hand of all shoppers … that is a text book example of the ends times and the Book of revelation …

Maybe my Bishop instead of selling tickets to hear him speak about the Bible … should speak to the faithful in his diocese (for free) about eschatology and the signs of the times … and pray with them frequently …. 

below dead animals that washed up on shore near Plum Island (animals had been experimented on and are of unknown in species) and this our government doing this ... God only knows what the Chinese government is experimenting with ... 

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