The Catholic Church needs to repent during this Lenten Season and give away their earthy wealth

Many and I mean many people "canonized" by the Church have been sexual perverts and corrupt to say the least ... which calls to mind the "concept of heaven" as the Catholic Church teaches it ... those within the Church who canonized these so called "saints" were aware of the evil behavior the "alleged saint" demonstrated during their lives and many never repented of ... so did they "go to heaven" or is the Catholic Church's term "heaven" just a term used for those who promoted the agenda of the Church  on earth  ... and personal behavior and sin not taken into consideration  ....

There is a movement on earth to "correct history" as to whom really was "honorable" and worthy of  society's admiration and special "note" in human history (history is not always truth, but written by the winners in earthly terms and those with money or political / personal agenda )   ... maybe the Catholic Church should do the same with all their "saints" and think of their own sinfulness during this Lenten period ....  instead of pointing the finger at the laity for their sinfulness ... and maybe some of those labeled saints by the Church should be revisited ... are they really the example you want the people of God to follow... pedophiles, rapists  and those who inflict pain and suffering on others.

Example ... Mother Teresa … I met her several times and know people who knew her well … I used to think she was a saint and of course the Catholic Church declared her to be one … yet her “homes for the sick” were built on suffering, not healing… the people who came to her homes in India for care, were never given any medical care … they were given a “cot” and told to suffer is holy, all while Mother Teresa had the best of medical care for herself and her nuns and Mother Teresa was also the “richest nun” in the world … so anyone who gave money to Mother Teresa and her mission was contributing to the suffering of innocence people “in the name of God”…  to me that is not “holy” on any scale that is demonic to deny a suffering person medical care, especially when you had the money and the means to assist them and chose to just let them suffer as Mother Teresa did ….

It is my belief that everyone of those souls who died in pain and suffering while in the "care" of Mother Teresa's and her organization gave testimony to God about her cruelty towards them and not getting them medical care ... this is not the "stuff" saints are made of ... this is not mercy and compassion, this is not love ... 

 There are other disturbing stories I have heard about Mother Teresa as well… some from Catholic priests …

And John Paul II was well aware of the sexual abuses within the hierarchy and clergy during his pontificate yet remained silent and covered these things up … again coming in the name of “God”… as to what God they were really worshiping is beyond me … to inflict pain and suffering and raping young children and women is not what saints are made of … unless the word “saint” has a different meaning for the hierarchy within the Church ….

Come back to the Church (confessions on Mondays during Lent) was a program the disgraced former Cardinal McCarrick started and the Church still runs with … you would be surprised the typical Catholic priest usually only goes to confession once a year if that …. Yet we the laity are preached to from the pulpit by them, to go to confession frequently ….  

So maybe this Lenten season the priests, bishops and hierarchy of the Church can clean up their act and become men of God (the one true God that is)    


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