Community immunity is what works and testing for the “Wuhan virus” is BS

I think “testing” is bullshit and a red herring … it does not tell if the person is actively experiencing the virus and hence contiguous or if they had the virus 4 weeks and recovered   …. 

What allows for most to survive is “community immunity”… let the virus spread as all colds and flu do and humanity (as it has always done in nature) will develop a “community immunity” …. This isolation only prolongs the process and the panic of the virus … this is not being done for the safety of all people, for if this virus is as contagious as they claim it to be we will all be exposed to it within several months anyhow and whoever will survive it will survive it … that is a “natural law” … and to me “death” is not a punishment, but a ticket home out of this madness in its many forms here on earth.

Like after 9/11 we gave up much of our privacy and liberties to stay safe, this virus is pushing the limits even more … confining people to their homes, closing tax payer buildings and public venues that is more deadly than the virus … the total hell like existence we are all being forced to live in ... and does "social isolation work" ... no it does not ... indeed it causes mental issues and depression, especially among the very old ... they are socially isolated enough as it is and this is causing them greater grief in this arena ... and I wonder is it the very liberal states that are telling those 65 and over to stay home (even if they are healthy) is this to punish the more conservative voters who usually vote Republican at those ages... seems that way ...

Everyone with a comprised immune system is at risk as well, so that should include every Hollywood actor and actress for the amount of Botox in their faces and also many politicians who use Botox as well ... yet nothing is said about that in CA ... how about everyone with arthritis or athletes who take steroids due to injuries ... or diabetics ... illegals in this country with TB and other communicable diseases ... the homeless and drug addicts as well ... those who undergoing cancer treatment or on long term drugs ... what about those with AIDES ... you going to lock everyone into their homes ... let's get more extreme how about those who take allergy meds ... that lessens your immune response as well ... how far are you going to take this or more importantly put up with????

 At this point I have spoken to several ER doctors and nurses… all say this virus is not as deadly as SARS was and the swine flu … what is unique is its capacity to spread so rapidly … it is not the severity the government is worried about, but the amount of people who can get it all at once … that would flood the hospital system and health care system …

So what does this tell me … where was the government and the insurance companies, most especially the last 3 administrations… they took our money for taxes and insurance premiums and did not keep up with building more hospitals beds and manufacturing health care equipment to care for critically ill American citizens … instead they used this money for illegal aliens health care and for politicians to get rich / insurance corporate heads to live in mansions and have extremely high yearly salaries and fly all over the world…  

Not to mention selling out to China and allowing most big corporate entities to have their production facilities  in China  … why the Dems still want to do this and Joe Biden would do such if he became President … probably have his son Hunter head up the program as well …     

Open up all businesses  before the country is the destroyed and never will recover … everyone will die then of hunger, diseases and homeless … it will make the great depression look like a walk in the park 

 Social Isolation lowers the immune system big time ... is the government stopping the virus or just creating mental illness and destroying the economy

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