What agency was formed on April 1, 1979 ? You will get to know it real soon

The above is the date FEMA was created … a sad day indeed … most know of FEMA for its work post a natural disaster … they do not know the “dark side of FEMA”, which enlightened people have been warning about since the 1980’s … of course said people were and are always called “conspiracy   theorists” … that is what you are called if you tell the truth and the powers that be do not want the truth out … conspiracy theorists, was/ is a term,  coined by the CIA after the Kennedy assassination, when people started to question how and why Kennedy was killed and the Warren commission’s  finding of a lone gunman and a “magic bullet”…

I remember in the early 1980’s first hearing about FEMA and its terrifying powers if ever a National emergency was declared … this is why I thought when Trump declared a “national emergency” over the Wuhan virus, it was not a good thing … he was pressured to do so (politically pressured to do so) and for lack of better words his doing so released the  “Kraken”     … it released the powers of FEMA … powers that go far beyond the power Hitler had over his people and also what communism has over its people … 

Here is just a few things FEMA can do and it be “legal” … 


There have been reports since the early 1980’s that FEMA was building and maintaining “containment centers” to imprison American citizens in under the label of “National security” … when an alleged plague / pandemic broke out … these facilities have been in place for decades now and I fear they will soon be used by FEMA … as a method of “social distancing” although it is not for such … it is for power and control over all of America and its citizens  ….

All of the above has been “foretold” by many mystics and visionaries of the past … yet no one listens to “prophets” now a days, especially the Church, I know that up front and personal  … they only listen if it is a “profit” to them …. 

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