Get into the streets people now is the time

Now is the time … wake up

I am getting so tired of the coronavirus bullshit, it lives organically within most people and we have been aware of coronaviruses for over 10 years … this testing BS is getting out of hand, so what if there are positive tests, this does not prove anything other than coronaviruses exists in nature and within many people  … so does the potential  for cancer and other deadly diseases ...

  All versions of coronavirus are closely related and covid-19, which seems to be the most like

Now researchers in Spain are saying covid-19 was around in March 2019 … WTF !!! … They collapsed an economy and held people hostage (still are) for a nothing … for a virus we have been aware of and people have been dealing with for at least year,  probably 10 … Vaccines are ineffective … the virus will mutate  

Screw the rioters in the streets, everyone should be in the streets protesting against this covid-19 ruse … yeah there is an uptake in infections now, because they kept people isolated and destroyed their natural ability to fight off infections and viruses … but it was / is really about taking away civil liberties and political moves …

and in one county in Oregon only "Caucasians"  can be forced to wear a face mask ... so this virus seems to be aware of race and political leanings as well 

The progressives are constantly screaming at us for "carbon dioxide in the environment" and how we are destroying the planet ... yet these same people are forcing us to wear face masks and breath in CO2  ...  CO2  bad for  the planet.... but it apparently is not bad  for your lungs if you believe the progressives, which is not "science" your lungs are being destroyed and your lack of oxygen in your body is causing you illness, heart stress and brain fog (which they want,  so you do not resist them)   

The forcing of work place masks goes against federal law as well …  you have a right to a safe work environment with healthy air  … this guy is so totally right and I am glad he reminded me of this law… 

If you are tired of these double standards and misinformation it is time for you to get into the streets, by the thousands  ... 

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