Housing sales up in May 2020, not a mark of the economy
They have lauded the spike in sales of houses in the month
of May (2020), saying it is a sign the economy is coming back … well for those
who have money the “economy never left” … the real “sign” here is the wealthy moving
out of the cities, those who witnessed
the tyrannical power of their local Governors and mayors … the lock-down of everyone
without true cause and the taking away of their rights… these same people went
on to see tensions and riots within the city streets … so if you have money to
do so, you say enough is enough, I will
move outside the city boundaries, so I can have fresh air to breath and for now
at least be relatively safe, yet I fear if the climate of the Nation continues to
decline there will come a time no one is
safe, no matter your location … so yes housing sales are up not as a sign of
the economy coming back, but as a sign
of the wealthier among us fearing the
cities, who are frustrated with two bit
power hunger governors (Hitler like personae) and local politicians.