Stop getting tested for Covid-19 they are playing us, with this testing and claiming outbreaks

For the last several years getting your DNA tested was the “big thing” to do, millions started to participate in this (to track down their relatives)…

What the public unwittingly did was to give the “globalists” access the DNA of a large number of society and what they will do with this God only knows… thank fully this trend has now stopped …But we have a new trend in place … it is called covid-19 testing that the globalist want us all to take and it seems we might be forced to do so in the future (under the guise of public health issues) …
In the beginning of this clusterfuck called covid-19 (aka the Wuhan virus) … 

we were told there was not enough “testing to go around” or the testing was showing to many “false positives”, which I believe it still does … but now covid-19 testing kits are in abundance and states have purchased thousands of them and the states need to get  rid of their inventory, plus the more positive tests for covid-19 a state has the longer it can claim federal funding for it, which is substantial   … also the more “positive testing” that happens in each state the more power grabs the governor and local officials have over people…

So people stop getting tested for covid-19 … if you have no symptoms it does not matter, even with slight symptoms you will get over it organically and thus “herd immunity” will happen within the population … something the globalists do not want to happen, and they claim will not happen, they want to push yet another vaccine … Herd immunity it something that has always occurred in nature on its own … If you just let nature run its course …

Stop the fear porn over covid-19 and stop the needless testing (most of us probably have this virus in our systems by now anyhow so what is the point… except for constant and permanent removal of our liberties)

Defund the covid-19 testing scam …
   or prepare for lock down 2.0, which will surely crush what remains of the economy ... but wait that is what the Dems wanted to do from the get go ... they said so years ago...

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