It is ok to party/ dine indoors without a Mask, if you are a Bishop that is
The Catholic Church, (hierarchy that is) not only kept the churches
closed during the height of covid-19, they did not fight back against our
Governor’s executive order, which is unconstitutional… they kept the churches
closed, which makes me wonder, did they do this so they would be first in line
to get PPP grants from the government … why the hierarchy of the church made
more money remaining closed than they would have if they stayed open! The total of PPP money given the hierarchy of the
churches in the USA is approx. one billion dollars… WOW, and they still ask for
more money (special collections to support your church during the pandemic) …
do they have any self-awareness of how evil they are????
Not much if the attached photos of the new Bishop's post installation party are any indication … photos
taken from a “reception”, for the new Bishop installed in my diocese… note it
was “indoors” … hey I thought that goes against the Governor’s executive order…
and I do not see “Social distancing” in these photos either ??? And where are
their masks??? The new Bishop and the old one do not have a mask on indoors??? But
wait isn’t that also a Governor’s executive order to do so … they are not obeying
the Governor’s orders as they did to keep the churches closed??? What’s up with
So it seems the hierarchy obeys the “Governor’s executive
orders”, the way they do with Cannon law, the hierarchy picks and chooses what to obey
and what not to obey, yet judges the laity on all the “laws” …Hubris prevailed and the reception went on, instead of taking a pass on it and just quietly assuming the position of becoming the new Bishop in these troubled times we all live it
Sad you cannot attend a Catholic Mass anymore without a mask
on and you must social distance … and of course there are limits to amount of
people let into the church … but hey if you are a Bishop and a member of the
clergy (well the favored clergy in my diocese) … that is out the window, because
you are “special” at least in their minds …
So new Bishop, old
song… “let them eat Cake”… those poor peasants, called the laity … no
you did not get your PPP, for your small
business, and you risk being homeless, but those “holy men” the multi-billion dollar hierarchy of the Catholic
Church, with massive real-estate holdings through the world and endowments … they can “break the rules whenever they want”, dine indoors, no face mask, no social
distancing (and is that the new Bishop and Bishop Serratelli in a photo standing in front of chaffing dish, filled with food, with no masks on) … but hey
it’s a “party a celebration there is a new Bishop”, so screw the rules … But
where is the humility, the understanding this is not a good look, to say the least and it only shows the laity there
is no change in the diocese, schools continuing to be closed. Yet for the rich
and “whites” in the diocese, they have the St. Paul inside the Walls, Bishop
Serratelli’s vanity project that is well
funded, in an upscale neighborhood far from the inner cities and people of
color … Why they could not afford to get
there, never mind pay the cost of taking
“classes there” or attending lectures … Besides most poor people are just to busy trying to survive, literally and figuratively ..
Massive amounts of unemployment, people suffering … yet, the “show must go on”… but wait aren’t theaters closed now during the
pandemic … ah, but not for the hierarchy
of the church, their show goes on and on
… Hmmm, I wonder where is Jesus Christ
in all of this … oh, I know with the
poor and the suffering … those who did not get PPP, those who are unemployed, behind
on their rent and risk losing everything and becoming homeless … Christ walking the streets of those inner
cities, far from the “center” in Madison,
NJ , where the "WHITE PRIVILEGED" donate and go to …
They stood shoulder to shoulder, to keep churches closed, when the governor told them to do so … and they stand shoulder to shoulder when it is time to take a photo, no
social distancing or masks ... hey didn't the governor tell them not to do that