PPP and the continued corruption in the Catholic Church

Below is a copy of an email,  I sent to the Washington Post (religion reporter, her name is Julie) of course she did not respond … the Catholic Church has become so progressive in its politics, you cannot touch them, no matter your political leanings … so it will be up to the laity, the people on the streets to try and correct these corrupt politicians and people in power.   

It is my hope and prayer that you will run a story on this matter and not remain silent. We live in a time where past and current injustices are being brought forth in society, by people taking to the streets. Although I do not agree with violence, I understand their frustrations, as a lifelong Catholic I have the same frustrations in regards to the greed and corruption within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. I can envision a time in the near future, where the Catholic laity starts a movement to “defund the Catholic Church” or demand reparations for the billions of dollars the laity gave to them, and received abuse in return. 

One can say,  within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church there is “Canonical Privilege”, rules and regulations made by white men (nearly exclusively) in the hierarchy of the Church to control the laity, rules which they themselves do not obey.   

There are so many negative adjectives that can be used to describe the current hierarchy of the Catholic Church, well deserved ones. One just has to read the messages given at Fatima, Akita and Garabandal in regards to Bishops and the hierarchy. Yet even those messages pale in light as to how low and evil the hierarchy has dropped during the current covid-19 pandemic. 

   The total money the hierarchy of the Catholic Church was were given (via PPP) is more than all the money they paid out for sexual abuses in the USA … so not only did they use “laity money” to pay for those legal settlements, for abuses against children and women … they now used taxpayer money to refill the money that was spent on those lawsuits … 

how evil is this all, how deeply and truly evil
The Catholic Church’s hierarchy is worse than any scammer, any insider trader (including those Senators who sold all their stock prior to covid-19 shut downs) and worse than   Bernie Madoff … they are actually Bernie Madoff on steroids in regards to ripping people off … and they get away with is … because they “come in the name of God” … the God they serve is not the one who died on the Cross for the salvation of souls … The Catholic Church hierarchy needs to do the honorable thing and return all the money they took, from the federal government in regards to PPP, as many “undeserving”  large universities did when light was shown on their actions …  

One of the tragic oxymoron’s here is the Catholic Church is tax exempt and yet they took from the taxpayers  funds, truly suffering members of society who needed the PPP to survive financially and help those who worked for them. Not only did the hierarchy of the Catholic Church prove themselves to be greedy in this matter but also immoral, combine this with all their past corrupt deeds and truly the hierarchy of the Catholic Church has absolutely no moral high ground on any level.       



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