Your golden parachutes and million dollar salaries will not save you, or speak for you when you die

I am reminded of  … this … In Matthew 16, Jesus asks what good it is for a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul (Matthew 16:26). To gain the whole world is to receive all the world has to offer—money, fame, pleasure, power, prestige, etc. To lose one’s soul is to die without a right relationship with Christ and spend an eternity in the lake of fire …

Why do I think of this ... I read this morning of a woman who died of a shark attack in Maine, a very wealthy woman who jetted back and forth between her two homes (one in Florida and one in Maine). They mentioned she made her money in the fashion industry and was extremely "fit" and ran marathons.    

Now I am not saying this woman who died after a shark attack is spending her time in hell now … but as I read through the notice of her death … I was struck by the words “she loved life” and how she retired early,  for she made a lot of money and she spend her time “jetting back and forth”, between her house in Florida and in Maine … all things “man considers” to be a mark of success … but none of that matter when it was time for her to be “called out of this life” … her money did not protect her, her prestige in life did not protect her, her being physical fit did not protect her … hopefully her love of God was greater than her love of “life” … that is the only thing to protect her in the end, for that was her final moments on this planet…

 … life is not about what you have taken out of it in terms of money and position, but what you put into it … in terms of giving back, giving love not just to those around you, or to yourself,  but to your community and with such great money to the world  … a good “retirement”, would be serving others, not self … running the good race is not an actual marathon (as in the Boston or NY) but a marathon of love and giving to others … her money did her no good in the end … nor did her fashion sense … my prayer is that she had a “sense of God” and knew the only fashion you need in life, is the cloth of humility …   

May God have mercy on her soul and being her into eternal life … at the end she is a child of God and that is all that matters in this world and in the next … in this regard, in the economy of God, we are all equal … the rich, the poor ... "the fit and the crippled" ...

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