Biden stated he would shut down the government and “everything” again if he was president

Joe Biden already showed us how he would handle a "Pandemic" one happened when he was VP to Obama ... they screwed it up big time and depleted the country's stockpiles of face masks and ventilators ... yet the media remained silent then and now to these facts ...

Joe Biden made a statement he would shut down everything again, if “science / scientists told him to do so”… 

So I wonder what “science would that be”… the science that has stated the Wuhan virus (statistically is not as deadly as they said it was) … or how about the science that said and continues to say the virus is treatable, or how about the science that says… shut downs causes a rise in mentally illness, alcoholism and drug addiction or the science of economics that states people have no incomes and their jobs are gone forever due to the shutdown, how about the science … how about the science of child and spousal abuse that the shutdowns created and the food shortages and millions upon millions going hungry in this Country and globally due to the shut downs … how about the science of the education of our children that has gone down the tubes since the shutdown … how about the violence and riots in the streets since the shut downs (for BLM) now tells us that they are doing this because they need food and medicine since the shut downs (as to why they are stealing sneakers and large screen TV’s then is beyond me)  

What about the way Joe Biden and Obama handled H1N1… screwed up so bad their own people criticized them and Biden and Obama never “restocked the shelves” in case there was another pandemic …

Now I know Joe Biden has no clue about what he is saying (clearly he has early stage dementia) … but please people wake up to the truth … you do not have dementia,  so stop eating the BS Joe Biden and his crew are feeding you ...

Even Dr. Ronnie Jackson … the White House physician during the Obama administration commented on Joe Biden not “being there anymore” ... Joe Biden was "never there for the people of the USA"... He was always there for his own personal agenda and that of his family, by setting them up to make money off of his position  ... would love to see Hunter Biden's financials he had to produce in Court when his "baby mama" sued him for child support ... but wait they had those records sealed

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