Melania Trump speaks better English than Joe Biden does and Bette Milder you are just a "sad has been"
What some, has- been or "D" type celebrities won't do to get attention, it is sad and pathetic to say the least. Such is the case of Bette Midler in mocking Melania Trump's accent ... really Bette is that the best you got?
You can only wish that you had the class, the style and the intellect of Melania Trump ... Mrs. Trump "marks history"... you Ms. Midler and those like you mark sad, jealous, many elderly woman who history will forget ... sad all these celebrity "gnats".. who tweet and constantly try to degrade the first lady of the USA ... no one cares about your voices ... just get back to acting or singing (those with talent that is) and when you are to old to do so... just exit stage left ...
Oh I hear Ms. Midler, you apologized for your words ... but hey aren't you part of the "cancel progressive culture" ... where it does not matter if you are "sorry"... you are cancelled and labeled for all eternity ...
The progressive cancel culture will be forgiven, when they learn to forgive others ... that is how it works