The head religious leader of globalism and communism, tells us we cannot go back .... hmmm

I have no respect for an anti-Christ .... Pope .... and Pope Frances has repeatedly showed himself to be such ... he now says,  "we cannot go back"... really ... why that is the reason Christ came to earth to tells the exact opposite ... "we can come back" ... we can come home... we can "go back" to the Father ... this Pope is really bur in my saddle of spirituality ... he is the upside down reality of truth... 

Here is a Pope who sold out the faithful in China ... covered-up perversion within the hierarchy of the Church (still does is an active part of said) ... who hates America and Americans ... this the country that has a proven record of being the most faithful and charitable country in the world ... and even in a pandemic the USA is still giving to other countries... you know why they can,  because of the Trump economy... he buildup the economy to record levels  in the country prior to the pandemic ... an economy so strong and prosperous that he could give out massive PPP's and PPE's monies  and enhanced unemployment benefits and stimulus  checks... which the hierarchy of the Catholic Church took advantaged of in the USA to the tune of one billion dollars and counting ... (all while they asked for donations and got them) ... 

You want to speak of social justice Pope Frances ... I say what Christ said,  when he walked on earth ... sell all you have (meaning all the assets of the Catholic Church and the Vatican) and follow Christ ... or wait it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle  ... than the Vatican, the Pope and the hierarchy of the Church to give up all its wealth and follow Christ.  


The man pictured above is a Socialist at best and he is more into his human agenda than into God ...

we are in the times predicated by Our Lady of Fatima and communism is spreading its "errors" throughout the world as Our Lady predicated ... and this Communism is within the Church itself ... and being lead by one such figure ... Comrade Frances  ...

Wake up and pray for God's help

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