
Showing posts from August, 2020

Operation not forgotten

My body, my choice, which is it ???

Not even safe at Mass anymore

The head religious leader of globalism and communism, tells us we cannot go back .... hmmm

A tale of two “nuns”

God sees you and God is with you.

Biden stated he would shut down the government and “everything” again if he was president

Melania Trump speaks better English than Joe Biden does and Bette Milder you are just a "sad has been"

New York, New York

Corrupt 7th floor of the FBI … still there as it was in 2016

The Governor of Maine is beyond Bat Shit Crazy, she is in a league of her own

One Honorable and respectful young man…

Mal formed or not formed at all priests, Bishops … that is how bad the seminaries are

Private Government Contractors and update on Shadow Gate documentary and Millie Weaver

WTF … the Matrix movies are “woke”

The struggle is real ! ??? And do not wear a Princess dress!

The real agenda of the Wuhan virus (covid-19)

Netflix and perversion, oh wait I repeat myself ….

When the rubber hits the road

Reality show versus Criminal enterprise

Joe Biden wants to teach and enforce Islam's Sharia law in public schools, because he is a Theologian?!

Joe Biden and Cardi B interview

Democratic party's newest conspiracy, pushed by Joe Biden, Nancy P and the inventor of the internet Al Gore

“Mask Mouth”… dentists warn of spike in gum disease during covid

Joe Biden is for "abortions" for men, part of the Democratic platform ... !!! ???

Joe Biden has already hired over 600 hundred State lawyers to contest the 2020 election results…

Millie Weaver's Shadow gate video

Bill Clinton to speak at the Democratic National Convention …

If only she would go quietly into the night…

God hears your heart

Instilling a code of "dishonor"

Shadow Gate

Congress does nothing while thousands line up for food

WTF ...wear a mask during a "zoom meeting"

A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet (Shakespeare)