
Showing posts from September, 2019

Our Lady of Carmel in Garabandal Spain

Rosh Hashanah, the head of the New Year 5780

September 29 traditionally the feast day of the archangels

A true story told in satire

The Playboy Club versus the Vatican

God Bless Whistleblowers

Formal adoration? ...Just sit before the Tabernacle anytime!

The USS Mary Jo .. battleship

Sneak peek …shhhh … do not share it is supposed to be a surprise!

Creepy just creepy

Happy Feast Day St. Matthew, my friend

God's grace is free and the greatest meal ever... The Eucharist is free as well

$50 to hear the Bishop speak about the Bible

Missing links in an “unbroken line”

Dr. Killjoy is at it again!

I will never forget